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$500M Investment on Monrovia Industrial Park Pledged

Exciting Developments at the Capitol Building unfolds as Senate Pro Tempore engaged with Hidier Group International Holdings, with $500M Investment on Monrovia Industrial Park Pledged.

In a promising turn of events, Senate Pro Tempore Nyonblee Karngar-Lawrence welcomed Zhang Hui (Hardy), President of the Hidier Group International Holdings Limited, and his team at the Capitol Building.

The meeting centered on discussions regarding the development of the Monrovia Industrial Park (MIP), a pivotal component of Liberia’s economic growth strategy.

Mr. Hardy conveyed his group’s profound interest in contributing to the advancement of the MIP, revealing plans for a substantial investment portfolio totaling US$500M over the next decade.

Drawing upon their successful track record of managing industrial parks in Nigeria, where they have facilitated the operations of numerous foreign companies and generated hundreds of jobs for local communities, Hidier Group’s expertise and dedication are laudable.

In response to this promising proposal, Senate Pro Tempore Karngar-Lawrence directed the group to liaise with the National Investment Commission (NIC), the designated governmental body responsible for overseeing foreign direct investment initiatives.

Emphasizing the importance of proper vetting and alignment with national development objectives, this directive underscores the government’s commitment to fostering responsible investment practices.

One particularly intriguing aspect of Hidier Group’s vision for the MIP is their innovative approach to addressing energy needs. Drawing from their successful endeavors in Nigeria, they plan to construct a dedicated power plant to supply electricity to all enterprises within the industrial park, as well as other high-power consumers within a 10-kilometer radius.

This initiative not only promises to reduce reliance on costly energy sources such as diesel but also promotes sustainability and cost-effectiveness in energy provision.

The potential of this partnership to propel Liberia’s economic prosperity is indeed exciting. With the Monrovia Industrial Park poised to become a hub of industrial activity and job creation under Hidier Group’s stewardship, optimism abounds for a brighter future.

As developments unfold, stakeholders eagerly anticipate witnessing the transformative impact of this collaboration on Liberia’s economic landscape.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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