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U.S. Ambassador Urges Liberians to Make Democratic Principles a Priority

On Monday, August 12, 2024, the U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, Mark Toner addressed the opening session of the  Young Political Leadership School Africa (YPLSA) Cohort 11 organized by  Naymote Partners for Democratic Development.

In his remarks at the YPLSA Cohort 11 which is expected to run from August 12-16 a week-long training program in Monrovia, Ambassador Toner told the young leaders that they are smart and hardworking people on the African continent who have their country’s best interest at heart and are willing to work hard –in whatever capacity to achieve their dreams.

“I know one thing: there are good, smart, and hardworking people here and across the continent, responsible citizens who have their country’s best interests at heart and are willing to work hard – in whatever capacity – to achieve them.  That indomitable human spirit is Africa’s greatest resource,” Amb. Toner started.

The leadership school will connect 100 emerging leaders from 11 African nations under the theme “Empower the Future: African Youth Leaders for Sustainable Development, Peace, and Security.”

 This year’s Cohort 11 includes politicians, activists, civic leaders, and civil society representatives.  

Speaking to a gathering of emerging leaders, Ambassador Toner stressed that democracy is not something that can be taken for granted and must be actively defended, especially in a world where authoritarianism is on the rise.

“Democracy gives you the opportunity to raise your voice, shape the society you live in, and demand accountability,” Ambassador Toner stated.

He acknowledged that while the freedom to think, speak, and love as one wishes is a cornerstone of democratic society, these freedoms are increasingly under threat in many parts of the world.

Despite the global challenges to democracy, Ambassador Toner expressed optimism about the future, particularly in Liberia.

He praised the country for its recent peaceful elections and the smooth transition of power, viewing these developments as positive steps forward.

“I am very happy to see hope, not least here in Liberia,” he said, noting the strong commitment to democracy displayed by the nation’s elected officials.

Addressing the young leaders in attendance, Ambassador Toner emphasized their critical role in both the present and future of democracy.

“I know that a lot of people say that young people are the future, and while this is of course true, I would also like to emphasize that you are also important here and now,” he remarked.

He urged the youth to take their responsibility seriously, reminding them that democracy is not just about rights and freedoms, but also about the responsibility to defend these principles and scrutinize those in power.

As the event concluded, Ambassador Toner expressed his anticipation for the upcoming YPLSA week, looking forward to engaging with the young leaders who represent Liberia’s bright democratic future.

“I wish you all a very good YPLSA week,” he concluded,” and I look forward to meeting you all, not only on Friday for the closing ceremony but also in the future as leaders in various positions, whether in government, the legislature, civil society, or elsewhere.”

G. Watson Richards
G. Watson Richards
G. Watson Richards is an investigative journalist with long years of experience in judicial reporting. He is a trained fact-checker who is poised to obtain a Bachelor’s degree from the United Methodist University (UMU)

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