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Properties in Alleyways Up for Massive Demolition in Two Weeks

The Ministry of Public Works has announced a rigorous move aimed at breaking down buildings and properties structured within alleys.

This initiative, according to the Ministry, will begin both in and out of Monrovia.

According to the Ministry of Public Works, structures within various alleys and drainages are the primary reason behind the continual flooding affecting community dwellers.

The pronouncement made by the Minister of Public Works seeks to create a clear pathway that enables smooth drainage to avoid flooding.

Parts of Liberia, especially capital cities, have been hit by continual floodwaters, most of which are attributed to the blocking of alleys by human structures.

Though the venture, when implemented, will have negative effects on the lives of individuals who live in premises in alleys, the Ministry is hopeful that there will be positive results in realizing general impacts on citizens.

The Minister of Public Works stated that the planned venture will be a rigorous effort that will commence in the next two weeks.

Minister Giddings made the disclosure, indicating that they will take no excuses or listen to anyone while implementing this plan. He told reporters that the Legislature is aware of the Ministry’s planned action, adding that the Ministry will not give ear to any influential individuals who might want to manipulate the process.

The Public Works Minister, speaking at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism (MICAT) Regular Press Briefing, said: “In the next two weeks, the Ministry will start breaking down properties that are in the alley. We will not take any excuses or listen to anyone. I told the Legislature if they call me, I will go but will not stop.”

The Ministry, through its head, has sounded a warning to those in alleys to begin evacuating their premises as “there will be no room for consideration.”

“If you are currently in the alley, you can start removing your properties because when we come, we won’t listen, and we are prepared to go to court.

Besides, the time given is now overdue, and our lawyer is prepared for any court matter,” the Public Works Minister told reporters on Thursday, September 26, at the MICAT Regular Press Briefing.

In addition to economic and environmental benefits, alleyways present an opportunity to establish character, emphasize place-making, and provide social spaces for the community.

Green alleys and other forms of small-scale greenspace offer ample opportunities to increase nature experiences in city centers.

Alleyways provide additional pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists, allowing people to use these routes to avoid busy streets.

Alleyways also create additional space for public art, green space, community spaces, or commercial opportunities for adjacent businesses, such as outdoor seating or retail sales.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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