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Dr. Samuel Reeves Reportedly Abandons Grand Bassa University

The Interim President of Grand Bassa University (GBU) has reportedly tendered in his resignation citing lack of time to focus on running the affairs of the university.

Reeves was appointed by President Joseph Nyumah Boakai to help steer the affairs of GBU pending the identification, appointment and assignment of a new President to the university but with barely three months of service, the Baptist prelate has declined to continue.

During a recent ceremony, Dr. Reeves disclosed he lacks the time to serve as president of the University due to his busy schedule.
Dr. Arnold Hill has meanwhile assumed the role of coordinator, ensuring the institution continues to function while President Boakai takes the necessary action to keep the education of the residents of the coastal city and its adjoining communities alive.

Hill, a volunteer (who is said to not on the government’s payroll) has allegedly made himself a signatory to the university’s accounts at LBDI and EcoBank. Reports indicate Hill is managing the university independently, with having uncontrolled freedom of meddling into other responsibilities not accorded him.

Verity News reporters, although placed calls to both Dr. Reeves and Dr. Hill, did not get responses but Allegations from unimpeachable sources suggest Dr. Hill is paying himself approximately US$3,000, despite lacking formal appointment, and the university is covering the costs of a rented vehicle for him at US$75 per day.

Procurement Director Paul Glaydor has reportedly been sidelined, with Dr. Hill taking over his duties and concerns have emerged regarding the coordinator’s intention to dismiss part-time instructors amid an existing staff shortage.

Dr. Samuel Reeves currently holds multiple leadership positions including head of the Liberia Council of Churches, President of Liberia Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention (supervising institutions like the Baptist Theological Seminary and William R. Tolbert University) as well as a full-time pastor at Providence Baptist Church. He is also a board member of the Liberia Electricity Corporation, engagements that have made his role at Grand Bassa University a burden he has realized is difficult to carry.

By: Zahn Dehdyugar and Elton W. Tiah/ Contributors

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