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Concerned UP Partisans Demand Suspension of Minister Modad and Asset Declaration Violators

The Unity Party-led government is facing internal upheaval as concerned supporters and members of the party have raised alarm over what they describe as a growing culture of corruption and bad governance.

This dissatisfaction has led to an unprecedented call for the immediate suspension of Commerce Minister Amin Modad and all public officials who have failed to declare their assets in compliance with Liberia’s asset declaration laws.

Supporters of the Unity Party and its Alliance expressed both their continued loyalty to President Joseph N. Boakai and their frustration with the alleged misconduct of officials within his administration.

While they commend Boakai for his diplomatic efforts, particularly his work toward securing Liberia a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, they are deeply concerned about the state of governance at home.

The spotlight is on Minister Amin Modad, who is accused of accepting a luxury vehicle worth US$96,000 from a company implicated in defrauding the government.

This, according to the partisans, is a slap in the face of the struggling masses who backed the Unity Party’s “Rescue Mission” during the election. “It is painful to witness those who once criticized past administrations for corruption now indulging in the very same practices,” the group declared.

They are now demanding Modad’s immediate suspension and a full investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) to determine the extent of his involvement in this alleged scandal.

In addition to the allegations against Minister Modad, the concerned partisans are also calling on President Boakai to take action against all public officials who have failed to declare their assets within the required timeframe.

The Asset Declaration Law is designed to promote transparency and accountability, and the violation of this law by high-ranking officials sends a dangerous message about the administration’s commitment to good governance.

The partisans assert that the president must act swiftly to suspend these violators to demonstrate his administration’s seriousness in fighting corruption.

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has also come under fire.

The partisans are calling for an immediate audit of the institution by the General Auditing Commission (GAC), with a particular focus on allegations of US$500,000 misappropriated for the purchase of vehicles prior to Boakai’s inauguration.

The group insists that Minister Sylvester Grigsby, who is linked to the scandal, must come forward and clear his name, as must other officials implicated in the alleged misuse of public funds. Similarly, the acting head of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) is being pressured to address allegations of criminal misconduct that occurred during the previous administration.

“Corruption cannot be selective,” the group stated. “Anyone involved must be held accountable, regardless of their rank or influence.”

Despite the Civil Service Agency (CSA) claiming to have removed ghost names from payrolls, the national wage bill has inexplicably increased. This inconsistency has raised suspicions about the opaque management of government funds. “We demand transparency and clarity from the CSA boss on why the payroll has risen, even when no significant new jobs have been created,” the partisans argued.

Additionally, the partisans also directed their concerns at Unity Party Chairman Luther Tarpeh, who serves as the Board Chair of the National Port Authority (NPA).

While they appreciate his vocal stance against corruption, they believe that his dual role compromises his ability to remain an independent voice. They are urging Tarpeh to resign from his position at the NPA to fully focus on party matters and to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. The partisans are also extending this call to all other Unity Party officials who hold government-appointed positions.

Perhaps the most damning critique from the partisans is their sense of betrayal. The grassroots supporters who rallied behind the “Rescue Mission,” knocking on doors, standing in long voting lines, and fighting for change, are now feeling abandoned.

They claim that instead of receiving the economic opportunities they were promised, they have been left to “rot in poverty and hopelessness,” while well-paid government jobs are being handed out to unqualified family members, friends, and even romantic partners of those in power. “This is an affront to the hardworking partisans who sacrificed for this administration,” they declared. “We cannot remain silent while a few privileged individuals reap the benefits of our collective struggle.”

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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