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WONGOSOL Calls for Justice Amid Increasing Violence Against Women

The Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL) stands in solidarity with the women and girls of Liberia who continue to endure violence, abuse, and marginalization.

“We are deeply troubled by recent incidents that highlight the ongoing threat to women’s safety and rights. It is imperative to take urgent collective action to end the cycle of violence against women and girls in Liberia.”

WONGOSOL highlighted that the recent shocking murder of a 22-year-old pregnant woman, Promise Bowah, who was found dead alongside her six-year-old daughter in the White Plains Community, has raised alarms.

The alleged perpetrator, Madison Garpeh, has been charged and is currently detained at the Monrovia Central Prison.

While we commend law enforcement for their actions, we demand a fair trial in the upcoming court term to ensure justice for the victims and signal that violence against women will not be tolerated in Liberia.

Another distressing incident occurred in Brewerville, Montserrado County, when a teenage student was handcuffed on her graduation day by a court sheriff for failing to pay her graduation fees. Such treatment is dehumanizing and undermines the dignity and rights of young women pursuing their education. Education should empower, not humiliate.

These incidents reflect a troubling trend of violence against women and girls across Liberia. In Margibi and Nimba Counties, harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) persist, violating the rights of young girls and exposing them to lifelong trauma.

WONGOSOL calls on the Liberian government to take immediate action to combat all forms of violence against women and girls.

We demand stronger laws, improved enforcement, and a comprehensive strategy to ensure their safety. Women and girls in Liberia must not live in fear; they deserve protection, justice, and the right to live free from violence.

Additionally, WONGOSOL emphasizes Liberia’s commitment to international agreements like the Maputo Protocol, which mandates the protection of women’s rights and the elimination of violence.

The government must fully implement these provisions to ensure the safety and dignity of women in Liberia.

WONGOSOL urges all stakeholders—government officials, law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, and community leaders—to unite against the rampant violence against women.

“We must build a society where women and girls are respected, protected, and valued. Only through collective action can we achieve lasting change.

G. Watson Richards
G. Watson Richards
G. Watson Richards is an investigative journalist with long years of experience in judicial reporting. He is a trained fact-checker who is poised to obtain a Bachelor’s degree from the United Methodist University (UMU)

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