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Labor Minister Urged by President Boakai to Continue Enforcing Concession Laws

While commending him and his team at the Ministry of Labor, President Joseph Boakai has urged the Labor Minister to continue enforcing concession laws.

With a comprehensive report on various concession companies across Liberia now on President Joseph Boakai’s desk, the President has commended Minister Cllr. Cooper Kruah for his dedication to enforcing labor laws.

A communication from the office of the Presidency acknowledged receipt of the report made by the Minister of Labor which heights how concession companies are complying with the labor laws.

In the communication from the Executive Mansion, addressed to the Minister, it is stated: “The President would have me acknowledge your letter of 8th October 2024 submitting report of your inspection at Bea Mountain, Westem Cluster and ArcelorMittal Concessions facilities, respectively.”

The communication in our possession says: “He commends you for your vigilance and commitment to ensuring that Concessions operate within the confines of our laws and that Liberians are treated fairly in line with the Decent Work Act.”

The communication signed by Minister of State for Presidential Affairs however urged Minister Kruah and his team at the Ministry of Labor to remain steadfast in the issuance of work permits for employees of casinos, clubs and other entertainment centers and the implementation of your duties in general.

The Executive Mansion also commented the Minister for the reintroduction of Student Vacation Job Program, stating that it is particularly laudable as it would help to instill a sense of work ethic into the students while providing them an income.

Recently, the Minister of Labor Cllr. Cooper Kruah along with his entourage made visitation to various concession companies in compliance with the Ministry’s statutory mandate.

After it’s inspection at two Companies, The Ministry of Labor sounded a strong warning against two major mining companies operating in Liberia, including Bea Mountain Mining Company (BMMC) in Grand Cape Mount County and Western Cluster Liberia in Bomi County.

The warning concentrates on continued violations of their concession agreements and poor labor practices.

The ministry’s investigation highlighted significant disparities and questionable practices that undermine the rights and opportunities of Liberian workers, sparking widespread concern about the companies’ compliance with national labor laws and their commitment to fostering local employment.

Bea Mountain Mining Company, a prominent player in Liberia’s mining sector, is under fire for its employment practices that have been deemed discriminatory and exploitative.

The company operates 60 mining trucks, but only 15 of these are driven by Liberians. In stark contrast, 25 trucks are operated by Turkish nationals and 20 by Zambian drivers.

The wage disparities are equally troubling: while Liberian drivers earn a modest $650 per month, their Zambian counterparts receive $1,650, and Turkish drivers make as much as $2,500 per month for performing the same tasks.

Labor Minister Cllr. Cooper Kruah expressed his dissatisfaction with these conditions, describing them as unjust and unacceptable. “It is incomprehensible that after a decade of operations, Bea Mountain claims no Liberian is qualified to hold a supervisory position,” Kruah remarked.

Despite being in the country for ten years, the company has not appointed a single Liberian to a supervisory role, further marginalizing local workers.

Western Cluster Liberia, another major mining operation in the country, was criticized for its labor practices that have left hundreds of Liberians in precarious employment situations. Despite holding a 25-year concession agreement to mine in Bomi County, the company directly employs only two Liberians.

Instead, 563 Liberian workers are employed through an outsourcing program managed by subcontractors, leaving them with no job security or direct employment benefits.

Most of these workers are on three-month contracts, further exacerbating their employment instability.

The Ministry of Labor has expressed deep concern over this arrangement, questioning why a company with such a long-term concession agreement has failed to integrate more Liberians into its direct workforce.

“We have made it clear that this is unacceptable. These Liberians need permanent employment, not exploitation through third-party agreements,” Minister Kruah stated.

The ministry also criticized Western Cluster for its lack of social responsibility. Despite its extensive operations, the company has not invested in essential services like schools and hospitals for the local community.

Minister Kruah has called on the Bureau of Concessions to join the conversation to resolve these issues and has vowed to raise the matter in the cabinet to ensure that the rights and welfare of Liberian workers are safeguarded.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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