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“A Reality Check,” University Professor, Thomas Kaydor, Opens Up On CDC

Amid tenured debates, a seasoned diplomat who is an Assistant Professor at the University of Liberia has grilled the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) in what one commenter termed as a rude reminder.

In an opinion piece titled, “I would rather live in a “divided Liberia” than a “United Liberia,” Professor Kaydor reminds the CDC about its past.

o You, as a CDC-led Government, listed over 60 Liberians on a “blacklist with people that would not work in Liberia”. Prof. Thomas Kaydor, Jr. was the first amongst many others including Senator Darius Dillion, Patrick Honnah, and Stephen Johnson. There and then Liberia was “United.”

o You removed former Associate Justice, Kabina Janeh, for doing his work, and the country was united.

o You removed the LTA boss, according to you, for administrative reasons, the country was united.

o You removed Edward Kla Martin from LACC because of his stance on corruption and the country was very “united.”

o You dismissed Mulbah Yorgbor from Maritime while he was on assignment abroad because he posted about the CDC. The country was very “united.”

o You removed the Lottery Boss who went to the Supreme Court and won the case. Even after the High Court ruled, you suspended him for six years. Then the country was “united.”

o You sacked Amos Tweh from LPRC for supporting his political party, the country was “united.”

o To silence Mo Ali, you sent him to Grand Kru, where there was nothing to do with his function, the country was still “united.”

o You beat Walter Sisulu to death because he led a group of UL (SUP) students to the US Embassy to present a petition against bad governance. The country was very much “united.”

o Mulbah Morlu said, “If you don’t join CDC, we will disable your ability to survive. Yet, the country was “united.”

o Fourteen senior officials of your government went to Firestone and pleaded with them to dismiss Patrick Honnah. The country was still very much “united.”

o You flogged police 102 at your party (CDC) headquarters, the country was “united”.

o You killed four auditors in two weeks under your watch, but you said two of them were having an affair in a car. The country was very well “united.”

o Three children went missing. To date, there is no information on them and there is no comprehensive report. Their families live in grief. The country was still “united.”

o You weaponized your partisans and police against the press. We know the results as the family of the late Zenu Miller of OK FM are living witnesses. The country was still “united.”

o You said as long as you are president, Urey can never win an electoral case in Liberia, the country was still “united” very well.

o But when JNB suspends your CDC partisan(s) in tenure positions who openly campaigned in the 2023 elections, oh, the country is “divided”.

o when JNB suspends tenure officials, whom GAC audit reports indict, the country is “divided.”

o when EPS officers who were nicely dressed up in CDC paraphernalia with arms are dismissed to depoliticize the force, oh yes, the country is “divided.”

o If only under CDC we could have a “United Liberia,” I live in a divided Liberia under JNB.

o If that were a “United Liberia”, then I would rather live in a “divided Liberia” than a United Liberia.”

o Please add your own there.

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