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Activist Lumumba Urges African Authorities to Safeguard Judiciary Against Outside Forces

By: Miama Morine Pewee

In a passionate plea for the protection of African judicial systems, renowned campaigner for societal change, Professor Patrick Lumumba, has called upon African authorities to fund their judiciaries using domestic resources, thereby reducing the influence of external forces on the continent’s legal institutions.

Speaking at the African Regional Group Meeting, an International Conference hosted by the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia under the theme: “The Judiciary in Times of Dispensing in the New Information Age,” Professor Lumumba emphasized the pivotal role of domestic funding in preserving the independence and integrity of African judiciaries.

While acknowledging the invaluable contributions of various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in promoting peace and upholding the rule of law across Africa, Professor Lumumba underscored the importance of African authorities taking ownership of their judicial systems.

“A country’s identity should be defined by its constitution and safeguarded by its judiciary. Therefore, to ensure the judiciary adequately reflects the constitution, external control over judicial affairs should be minimized,” stated Professor Lumumba.

Highlighting the significance of an impartial and effective judiciary, Professor Lumumba warned against the destabilizing effects of a compromised judicial system. “A country may withstand poor executive or legislative governance, but a compromised judiciary breeds instability and chaos,” he cautioned.

In his address, Professor Lumumba called for a balance between executive oversight and judicial independence, urging the executive to appoint judges based on merit and integrity rather than political affiliations or personal relationships.

Moreover, he cautioned against the politicization of judicial processes, urging legislators to refrain from pursuing politically motivated impeachments of judicial officials, which could undermine the judiciary’s credibility and impartiality.

While urging judges to discharge their duties with integrity and impartiality, Professor Lumumba acknowledged the pressures they face, including the fear of executive reprisals. He emphasized the importance of judges upholding constitutional principles without succumbing to external influences.

Addressing the issue of judicial salaries, Professor Lumumba cautioned against the notion that higher salaries alone would eliminate corruption within the judiciary, highlighting the importance of ethical conduct and integrity among judicial officers.

Echoing Professor Lumumba’s concerns, Chief Judge of the Commercial Court, Eva Mappy-Morgan, highlighted the disparity in salaries between judges and legislators, emphasizing the financial strain faced by judicial officers despite their significant contributions to the national budget.

Judge Mappy-Morgan lamented the discrepancy between the rigorous educational requirements for legal professionals and the comparatively low salaries within the judiciary, compared to lawmakers who often receive higher remuneration with fewer qualifications.

Expressing concern over the increasing attrition rate among judges due to financial pressures, Judge Mappy-Morgan called for urgent intervention to address the issue before it undermines the judiciary’s effectiveness and independence.

The calls by Professor Lumumba and Judge Mappy-Morgan underscore the pressing need for African authorities to prioritize the autonomy and financial sustainability of their judiciaries, safeguarding the rule of law and ensuring equitable access to justice for all citizens.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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