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Alleged Corruption Scandal Rocks Asset Recovery Taskforce

Crisis deepens among members of the Special Presidential Asset Recovery Task Force, set up by President Joseph Nyumah Boakai over the alleged dismal of administrative procedure by the task force Chair, Cllr. Edward Kla Martin towards other members.

Just a day, after the CIC of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL) tendered his resignation from the task force, a leaked communication surfaced on social media hurdles, from Activist Martin K.N. Kollie, raising several claims against wrongful procedure by the Cllr. Martin led the task force.

In the communications addressed to Cllr. Martin on May 5, Activist Kollie cited a lack of ethical procedure, lack of communication, lack of operational framework, and refusal to prioritize expertise over inadequacy, which he said have encircled the task force with no clear vision to properly proceed.

Besides, Kollie alleged that instead of Cllr. Martin prioritizing open leadership, he has elected to surround himself with a cliche, who makes decisions without input from others and tends to impose said decisions on them.

This also of disregarding the inputs of other members of the task force, according to him, recently caused a public outburst following the “arbitrary arrest” of Gracious Ride Vehicles, which later resulted in a court action.

He said in the communication: “The inability of AREPT to make progress after two months is attributed to the reasons supra. We cannot continue to proceed like this, because when people are discussing AREPT, my name is usually at the forefront, even though I have never been a part of any of the major decisions”.

“The hasty and unauthorized expenditure of US$9,800 per month on billboards, the crafting of the AREPT budget. To date, some of us haven’t seen that fiscal instrument as though it is a society bush, signing of US$311,300 leased agreement to tent an office space for AREPT without even discussing this agreement with everyone.”

Activist Kollie in the leaked communication expressed suspicion over how the said agreement was endorsed, without considering the Public Relations and Concession Commission Act.

He is perturbed by the fact that an institution that was set up to proceed with integrity will begin in an unethical manner, noting that the decision by Cllr. Martin was not endorsed by members.

He is more concerned that out of a budget of US$1.5 Million propelled by the committee, only 750 thousand was approved for the operation which is 50% of their projection, and for US$ 311,200 which is 41.5% to be directly to office space rental only, hangs a dark cloud over the credibility of the taskforce.

As such, Kollie is recommending that all previous decisions made by the Cllr. Martin Cliche, be revoked, and the decision on operations and expenditures considered all members of the task force.

Upon failure to do so, Kollie in the leaked communication, has threatened to call the attention of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the task force expenditure.

“If this isn’t the public waste we are trying to fight, then you tell me what it is. The government has several public buildings with offices, so why this desperation to hurriedly rent an office space and money on needless projects and activities, even though we are an ad-hoc committee and not an enacted committee? I thought our primary focus should be access recovery.

Meanwhile, Kolkie had called for a full disclosure of all financial transactions carried out by the Special Presidential Asset Recovery Taskforce, since March, through a comprehensive report.

Credit: W. N. Topba Sr./ Contributing Writer

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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