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“Biodiversity, Human Health Under Threat in Liberia,” EPA Alarms

In a resounding call to action, the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) has raised the alarm on the harmful environmental impact of unsustainable mining activities across the nation.

Dr. Emmanuel King Urey Yarkpawolo, Acting Executive Director of the EPA, delivered a stark message during the agency’s 100-day-deliverable launch in Bentol, revealing the grim reality of environmental degradation hindering Liberia’s development trajectory.

Dr. Yarkpawolo highlighted the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, particularly in counties lacking EPA oversight, where vast land areas teem with valuable assets such as gold, diamonds, iron ore, rubber, palm, forests, and wildlife.

However, the EPA boss said unregulated extraction methods employed in these regions pose grave threats to the environment, human health, and biodiversity.

He reported that Water bodies suffer contamination from illicit mining practices, imperiling both aquatic ecosystems and human lives.

He added that deforestation for agriculture and the rampant bush meat trade exacerbate ecological imbalances, leading to irreversible damage.

To confront this crisis, the EPA has embarked on a decentralization initiative, aiming to establish county offices.

The project which is part of the EPA’s 100-day deliverables is intended to deploy personnel and equip neglected regions since the agency’s inception in 2003.

This strategic move as noted by Dr. Yarkpawolo does not only just expand the EPA’s footprint but also strengthens its capacity to effectively regulate and manage natural resources.

Acknowledging the invaluable support from the Government of Sweden and the UNDP, the EPA through its Acting Executive Director expressed gratitude for the financial backing enabling the establishment of county offices and provision of essential resources.

He indicated that the partnership underscores international commitment to environmental sustainability and capacity building in Liberia.

As the EPA extends its presence to Bentol and other counties, it vows to collaborate closely with local authorities and communities to foster a clean and healthy environment.

EPA sees the initiative as a milestone that marks a pivotal moment in Liberia’s environmental stewardship journey, reaffirming the nation’s dedication to safeguarding its precious natural heritage for generations to come.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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