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Government Sleeps on Arm-Cutting Incident at Bea Mountain

Since Verity News uncovered a disturbing incident involving Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC) in Grand Cape Mount, Liberia where daily hire worker, Varney Watson, suffered a grievous injury resulting in the amputation of his arm due to inadequate safety measures at one of Bea Mountain’s hazardous operational sites, the Government of Liberia has remain silent on the matter.

The incidence which took place barely a month ago seems not taken seriously by the government of Liberia by virtue of the fact the government has not made pronouncement about decision it has taken against the company.

The situation marked by serious concerns about the company’s commitment to safety measures, ethical labor practices which are required by international standards and the mineral development agreement is yet to be addressed as government has reportedly failed to handle the matter in bringing relief to the family, victim and to deter future tragedy.

In June of 2024, we reported that Varney Watson was operating a gold processing machine without proper safety gears. The lack of protective equipment and safety protocols led to his arm cutting by the gold machinery.

This tragic and traumatic event left Varney permanently disabled, transforming his life forever. The negligence of Bea Mountain in ensuring the safety of its workers is glaringly evident in this incident.

It was shocking that a multi-million dollar corporation like Bea Mountain, having had financial capacity to hire full-time employees and provide comprehensive safety measures, opts for uncalled and unsafe employment of daily hires without adequate being fully compliant of their mineral development agreement.

This latest incident does not only expose how Liberian workers are endangered at Bea Mountain Concession Areas but also highlights the company’s disregard for labor rights, human dignity, safety as well as the laws of Liberia.

Verity News also revealed that Bea Mountain is attempting to conceal the incident. Reports indicate that the company has offered Varney Watsin’s family a bribe of $20,000 USD to conceal this incident and drop any potential legal action as a way of hushing the entire matter.

Furthermore, Varney was covertly transferred to the JFK Hospital for medical treatment, away from public scrutiny.

This is not the first time Bea Mountain has come under fire for bad labor practices. The company has a notorious history of failing to meet its contractual obligations, concessional commitments; thereby causing human, health, and environmental damages in Liberia.

Previously, Bea Mountain was responsible for contaminating rivers in local communities by discharging harmful chemicals. This environmental disaster led to the death of fish and other aquatic species, depriving residents of clean water and vital resources.

The recent arm-cutting incident has intensified scrutiny of Bea Mountain’s operations. The company is already facing significant backlash from workers and affected communities in Grand Cape Mount who have protested against poor labor conditions and environmental negligence.

These protests have often turned violent, with a recent demonstration on 29 February 2024 in Tawore District resulting in clashes with the Liberia National Police and several fatalities.

It can be recalled that Liberia’s Labor Minister, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, announced plans to impose fines on Bea Mountain for violating the Decent Work Act of 2015. Minister Kruah revealed on 27 March 2024 that BMMC has consistently failed to comply with several Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and collective agreements signed with the workers’ union.

The imposition of these fines is a necessary step in holding the corporation accountable for its repeated violations and ensuring better working conditions for its employees.

The Ministry of Justice is yet to conclude the investigation of several incidents involving Bea Mountain as victims consider further legal action against Bea Mountain for their negligence and attempts to cover up various incidents of bad labor practice and abuse.

The outcome of these investigations will be crucial in determining the future operations of the company and the safety of its workers if the government legally pursues these cases by insisting on JUSTICE and accountability for Liberian employees and victims whose rights are being continuously violated.

This latest incident at Bea Mountain underscores the urgent need for stricter enforcement of labor laws, corporate compliance, and increased safety in Liberia. Companies must be held responsible and accountable for their actions, and workers must be provided with safe working conditions and fair treatment.

The plight of Varney Watson and other workers at Bea Mountain serve as a stark reminder of the human cost of corporate negligence and the importance of rigorous oversight in the mining industry.

As full investigation into the terrible situation is yet to be launched by the government, it is essential that government takes heed and demand Bea Mountain to address and take immediate steps to improve safety standards, honor their commitments to workers, and rectify the environmental damage it has caused.

This will compel the company to ensure a safer, fairer and more ethical working environment for Liberian workers.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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