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LERC Extends Deadline for LEC’s Revised Tariff 

The Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) has granted the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) an extension to submit its revised Tariff Application proposal. The new deadline is set for January 31, 2025, following LEC’s request to withdraw the tariff proposal initially filed in October 2024.

This decision comes amid significant internal changes at LEC, including the appointment of an Interim Management Team (IMT) unfamiliar with the original tariff proposal. The IMT requested additional time to thoroughly review and amend the proposal to reflect the corporation’s updated strategic priorities better.

LERC has extended the current tariff period by three months, shifting the end date from December 31, 2024, to March 31, 2025. As a result, no new tariffs will be implemented in LEC’s service areas—Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Cape Mount, and Bomi counties—until the new proposal is reviewed and approved.

Chairman of LERC, Claude J. Katta, emphasized the Commission’s commitment to maintaining stability in the electricity sector while providing the IMT sufficient time to finalize a comprehensive tariff application. He reiterated that LERC is focused on transparency and inclusivity in the tariff-setting process, with stakeholder engagement and public consultations to play a central role before final decisions are made.

“The tariff application process is vital for the effective regulation of the electricity sector in Liberia. The Commission will continue to engage the public to ensure a fair and transparent process that aligns with the interests of all stakeholders,” said Chairman Katta.

The tariff application process aims to balance the financial sustainability of LEC with ensuring affordable and accessible electricity for Liberians. As of now, the following tariffs remain in effect for LEC customers:

Social Customers: US$0.15 per kilowatt-hour (no fixed charge)

Prepaid Residential Customers: US$0.24 per kilowatt-hour with a monthly fixed charge of US$2.48

Postpaid Residential Customers: US$0.24 per kilowatt-hour with a monthly fixed charge of US$4.47

Prepaid Non-Residential Customers: US$0.22 per kilowatt-hour with a monthly fixed charge of US$10.00

Postpaid Commercial Customers: US$0.22 per kilowatt-hour with a monthly fixed charge of US$12.00

Medium Voltage Customers: US$0.19 per kilowatt-hour with a monthly fixed charge of US$50.00

These rates will remain in place until the revised tariff proposal is approved.

The tariff-setting process has encountered multiple challenges, notably with the management changes at LEC. The withdrawal of the initial proposal underscores the difficulties in maintaining continuity during leadership transitions. However, this period also allows the IMT to develop a proposal that better reflects the current realities of Liberia’s electricity sector.

LEC’s upcoming tariff application will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Liberia’s electricity sector, addressing operational costs, infrastructure development, and consumer affordability. Public hearings and consultations will be key in gathering feedback and ensuring the final proposal aligns with the needs of Liberians.

LERC’s extension of the tariff period provides temporary relief but also highlights the urgent need for LEC to submit a well-prepared and justified tariff application. The coming months will be crucial as both LERC and LEC work together to strengthen Liberia’s electricity sector and meet the population’s energy demands. The focus remains on ensuring a transparent, inclusive process that serves the best interests of all stakeholders.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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