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LINU Political Leader Blasts CDC and UP-Led Government Over Thursday’s Stand-off

The Political Leader of the Liberian National Union (LINU) has joined forces condemning the recent stand-off between CDC and police, calling for “A New Liberia”.

While other state actors and institutions are only condemning the incident, the Liberian National Union through its leader Dr. Clarence K. Moniba is demanding “A New Liberia”, in the wake of what is being termed a chaotic scene.

Dr. Clarence K. Moniba, leader of The Liberia National Union (LINU), who is making the quest for “A New Liberia” has strongly condemned the acts of “violence and lawlessness” at the headquarters of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) on August 22, 2024.

He stated: “It is these types of actions, placing personal interests and Party politics over Nation, that have led to Liberia being one of the least developed countries in the world”.

Speaking from his party Headquarters in Sinkor, Dr. Moniba stated, “We are fighting for A New Liberia, a nation that we can all be proud of because of our collective actions, sacrifice, and love for the country; A New Liberia where everyone will be respected and treated with importance.

“Some, however, continue to take their leadership responsibilities as ways to score political points, gain undeserved sympathy, or score political debts and exact retribution when we have a nation on its knees and slowly dying because the average person cannot afford enough food, proper healthcare or life in a safe community.”, he stated.

He pointed out that the actions on August 22, 2024, grossly affected health, social mobility, and the struggling economy.

“We have to be sensitive to these national concerns. CDC ran and governed on the mantra of ‘Change for Hope’; the UP recently adopted.”
He stressed LINU’s mantra of “A New Liberia” as its official slogan for the July 26th celebration.

“So, let them remember that these are not mere slogans, but a real guiding ethos that the Liberian people demand of our leadership”.

The incident, which he claimed was a chaotic scene at the CDC Headquarters, where innocent people and private properties were affected and the country was brought to a complete standstill, represents “a dangerous escalation that threatens to drag our nation back to the abyss of conflict and instability”.

“We should be discussing why both CDC and UP-led governments, which have continuously led this country for the past 20 years, have allowed the salaries of government officials, including lawmakers, to skyrocket while the compensation of our teachers, nurses, doctors remain stagnant. We should be discussing why no single person in Liberia is in jail because of corruption; we should be discussing why is it that most public schools and health facilities in this country have no electricity, running water, or proper libraries, or why our farmers are not supported to produce more food and other agricultural produce. We should be discussing how we can redefine our mineral sector to add value for job creation; instead, however, we are here discussing whether CDC has the right to defend their national headquarters from a supposed drug raid or whether the UP government should be witch-hunting members of the CDC.”, LINU Political Leader added.

He maintained “We need A New Liberia that will not experience what happened last week because nothing that happened last week got us closer to the country that we, the Liberian people deserve.”

He pointed to the country’s 177 years of existence, noting over 20 years post-conflict, Liberia remains in trouble and must not be overlooked.

“We continue to overlook it and that is why this country is way behind other countries that are way behind… instead of us spending time talking about strengthening the rule of law where everyone will respect the law and the law will respect everyone, where everyone will trust the court regardless of social and economic status; instead of us spending time talking about positive change for the greater good, we are discussing political parties.”

One where some of their members think that they can abide by their laws and decide when they should be policed, in CDC, and another Party that has some members who think they can have retribution because they are back in power, in the form of UP.

According to the former Presidential Candidate, “If this attitude remains, only politics and conflict over national development will occur if we continue with this two-party system that has been in Liberia over the past two decades”.

LINU political Leader, however, indicated that he acknowledged the letter written by former President Weah to ECOWAS for its intervention, complaining the current UP government, while waiting for President Boikai to address the matter and other issues on the state of the nation and what occurred last week.

“I further call on the government to put together a Commission to immediately investigate the cause and actions of that day and even more importantly, make that report public in the shortest possible time. If we are to engender the confidence and support of the Liberian people, we have to level with them on these kinds of incidents.”

He urged Liberians to remind themselves of the need to be spending time, energy, and efforts talking about positive change and development, and “not a 20-year fight between two political parties as that will do no good for the average citizen”.

In closing, the Political Leader of the Liberian National Union said: “Let us get serious about development, about progress, about loving the country of Liberia more than any one individual or institution”.

He cautions that the commemoration of the National Flag Day should serve as cornerstone to remember that the sum of Liberia is much more important than political and individual parts.

Moses Gwee
Moses Gwee
Moses Gwee Jr. holds an advanced diploma in Journalism from the Peter Quaqua School of Journalism and has over 4 years of media experience and is a current student of Starz University studying I.T. with an emphasis in Database Management.

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