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LRA Delegation Concludes Study Mission at Kenya Revenue Authority

A Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) delegation has successfully concluded a three-day study mission to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

The mission aimed to explore KRA’s best practices in modernizing taxpayer services, and to apply these insights to enhance LRA’s operations in Liberia.

The LRA delegation, led by Project Coordinator Benedict Tokpa Danuweli, comprised representatives from several key divisions, including the Taxpayer Services Division, Communication, Media and Public Affairs Section, and the Registration and Return Processing Section.

The team was further supported by experts from the Swedish Tax Agency (STA) and the West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF), emphasizing the international collaborative effort to strengthen LRA’s capabilities.

This study mission is part of an ongoing partnership between the LRA and the Swedish Tax Agency, focused on supporting the LRA’s capacity for domestic resource mobilization.

The collaboration emphasizes institutional capacity development, particularly in enhancing human resource competencies, improving compliance risk management, and modernizing taxpayer services.

Speaking on behalf of the LRA delegation, Madam Mary F. Karmo, Supervisor of the Registration and Return Processing Section, expressed deep appreciation for KRA’s hospitality and collaborative spirit.

She underscored the significance of the visit, stating that the knowledge and experiences gained were enriching and pivotal for LRA as it continues its journey toward improving taxpayer services in Liberia.

Madam Karmo also emphasized the broader implications of the mission, highlighting the importance of collaboration among African revenue authorities to ensure sustainable revenue generation and support national development.

“Over the past three days, we have been thoroughly impressed by the breadth and depth of KRA’s operations. From comprehensive taxpayer services to innovative approaches in tax education and voluntary compliance, we have learned a great deal,” Karmo noted.

She also mentioned how KRA’s strategies in effective communication, stakeholder engagement, complaint management, and the organization of its Contact Center provided valuable insights that LRA is eager to implement.

James B. Kokulo, Manager for Banking Services at LRA and thematic lead for the ‘Modernizing Taxpayer Services’ component of the project, also stressed the critical importance of ongoing partnership with KRA to bridge knowledge gaps in taxpayer services, particularly in areas identified during the study mission.

Representatives from the Swedish Tax Agency, Ylva Sofia Vesterlund, and WATAF’s Dan-Asabe Ozayashi commended KRA for its exemplary standards in revenue administration.

They expressed optimism about continued collaboration on key tax matters that could enhance revenue collection efficiency across the region.

In response, Susan Njeru, KRA’s Taxpayer Services Manager, expressed her gratitude to LRA for selecting KRA as a benchmarking partner.

She conveyed positivity about the potential for ongoing collaboration between the two tax authorities to advance revenue administration across Africa.
The Institutional Capacity Development initiative between LRA and the Swedish Tax Agency, launched in September 2021, has made significant progress in enhancing domestic revenue mobilization in Liberia.

Focusing on developing skilled human resources, strengthening compliance risk management, and modernizing taxpayer services, the initiative is equipping LRA with the tools and knowledge necessary to meet Liberia’s growing revenue needs sustainably and efficiently.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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