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White House Cites Research of Liberian IMF-based Economist Augustus Panton

Liberian academics and professionals in and out of Liberia are becoming global competitors in specialized fields as well as key players of and contributors to global policy shifts through high-quality research. One such Liberian is Dr. Augustus Panton, a Libeian researcher who now works for the IMF as an economist and holds a PhD in Economics from The Australian National University.

The White House recently cited Dr. Augustus J. Panton and acknowledged his research work titled: Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Work. Link: https://www.elibrary.imf.org/view/journals/006/2024/001/article-A001-en.xml. His latest research on AI and The Labor Market is not just influencing U.S. economic policy but has also convinced President Joseph Biden’s Board of Economic Advisors to capture it in the U.S. 2024 Economic Report.

In an official communication forwarded from The White House to Dr. Panton, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Jared Bernstein, thanked Dr. Panton for helping to shape the 2024 Economic Report of President Joseph Biden through his research.

Augustus Panton

Speaking with Dr. Panton, he explained to Verity News that he was glad to have made such an impact and contribution to shaping global economic policy. Dr. Panton expressed hope and optimism that his research work will continue to inspire and make a positive impact.

Reacting to Dr. Panton’s recent achievement, Liberian activist Martin Kollie said, “The latest groundbreaking research of Liberian economist Panton is a proud moment for Liberia and Africa.”  “Dr. Augustus Panton is indeed a symbol of excellence. Besides being a Fulbright scholar, he is a published academic and an accomplished professional. Gus is a producer of knowledge, and his urge for novelty is top-tier,” Kollie averred.

Dr. Panton is a distinguished alumnus of the St. Mary Catholic High School and the University of Liberia.

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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