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Speaker Koffa Alarms About Illicit Mining in Grand Kru County

The House Speaker of the 55th Legislature of Liberia has raised alarm about the wave of illicit mining activities in Grand Kru County.

Making the disclosure, the Representative of District #2 in Grand Kru County, Cllr. Fonati Koffa, stated that the illicit mining activities remain a threat to the development of Grand Kru County.

Speaker Koffa made the disclosure over the weekend at the Grand Kru Development Association 2024 Convention held in Philadelphia, United States of America.

Addressing his fellow citizens from the county at a program held in Folcroft, Philadelphia, the Speaker disclosed that Grand Kru County is plagued with illicit mining, which has become an existential threat to the way of life in the county. He noted that Ghanaian miners first migrated to the county with dredges and have now been joined by miners from other counties to exploit the land.

He added, “Many of you may not realize the long-term consequences of this industry: floods have increased; rivers are highly polluted; but most of all, our children are leaving school and running to the gold fields in search of a livelihood that will give them no future if they are lucky; and if they are not, it will lead to early death and destruction. If we cannot solve the illicit mining problem, our county will be a wasteland in a few years.”

Meanwhile, the lawmaker stressed the need for developments in various sectors to impact the county.

According to Cllr. Koffa, too often, development conversations are framed around what is lacking. “But I stand before you today to say that Grand Kru and the southeast are not defined by our challenges. We are defined by our assets, and it is by leveraging these assets that we can create meaningful, long-term development for our region.”

He urged members of the community to take note of the county’s resources—be it natural, human, or cultural—and emphasized that it is in identifying, mobilizing, and maximizing these assets that we unlock our full potential.

Speaker Koffa highlighted three key assets that must be focused on if we are to truly uplift Grand Kru and the southeast as a whole.

He named natural resources, stating that the land as our legacy in Grand Kru and the southeast is blessed with vast natural resources. He pointed out that from rich agricultural lands to coastal areas with the potential for fishing and eco-tourism, the county holds untapped wealth.

The Speaker mentioned that investing in people is the greatest asset that needs attention. “The talents, skills, and determination of the people of Grand Kru and the southeast are the building blocks of any development agenda,” he stated.

Liberia’s third citizen believes it is crucial for the people of that county to invest in education and vocational training, not just for the youth but for all members of their community. “We must build schools, train our teachers, and ensure that the education our children receive prepares them for the future. That is why we built six schools over the last six years in our district.”

Zac T. Sherman
Zac T. Shermanhttps://verityonlinenews.com/
Zac Tortiamah Sherman has over a decade of media experience with several certificates in journalism and leadership. He has served as a broadcaster, reporter, and news editor. Zac is a graduating senior for a BBA degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Liberia.

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