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Amb. Kpadeh Pushes for More Enrolment of Liberians in World Maritime University

By: Trokon S. Wrepue

As part of his two-day working visit to the Scandinavian Republic of Sweden, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization met and discussed with the President of the World Maritime University (WMU), globally esteemed Professor Max Mejia PhD who wholeheartedly welcomed the Liberian envoy his distinguished office.

According to a dispatch from the Liberian Permanent Mission in London, Ambassador Kpadeh discussed with Professor Max Meja, PhD, the possibility of exploring how Liberia can increase its enrolment beyond fellowships considering the significantly historic role WMU plays in capacity building for the global Maritime Sector.

“And what an honor it was. I discussed with him the possibility of exploring how Liberia can increase its enrolment beyond fellowships considering the historic role of WMU in capacity building for the global Maritime Sector.” The dispatch said.

“No doubt, as Liberia envisions the need to potentially prioritize its blue economy to yield economic growth and spur job creation effectively, the question of capacity building cannot be overemphasized.” Ambassador said.

Ambassador Kpadeh noted that he expressed the bold desire of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) to collaborate with the World Maritime University, in particular through some form of partnership with the University of Liberia and the Liberia Maritime Training Institute to setup a department of maritime study with different programs and/or modules smartly tailored to meet both international and local needs.

“I also plead with the WMU President to grant the full complement of the Liberian Maritime Sector a short-term refresher training for senior staff to include those from LiMA, National Port Authority, Coast Guards, Fishery, EPA, and others, in a bid to enhance to efficiency at the higher levels of these institutions.”

The dispatched said, Amb. Kpaeh then used the occasion to thank and appreciate the WMU family for granting Dr. Harry Conway, Liberia’s Alternate Permanent Representative and Chair of the all-important Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), a well-deserved placement as an Adjunct Fellow.

“LiMA certainly embraces this award as it provides a unique opportunity to deepen Liberia and WMU partnership. No doubt, having a Liberian as an adjunct faculty member at the WMU in such a crucial time is a significant feat.” Amb Kpadeh said.

The Liberia Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization also expressed the Liberian mission’s deepest appreciation to the WMU for contributing to global maritime education, with a network of more than 5000 alums from 170 countries.

He said Liberia is a proud beneficiary of the training through fellowships, with about 60 graduates with master’s degrees in different maritime fields proudly recorded.

“Liberian WMU graduates have had and continue to hold senior level positions within Liberia’s Maritime sector.”

WMU President Max Mejia, PhD,

For his part, the World Maritime University (WMU) President Max Mejia wholeheartedly welcomed the request from Amb. Kpadeh assured that Liberia has a special place in the solid walls of the WMU.

He praised the performance of Liberian students for doing great in their respective academic sojourns at WMU over the years and the careers beyond the walls of WMU while thanking Liberia for its incredible and productive leadership in international shipping as the world largest and acclaimed Ship Registry.

Dr. Mejia also commended Liberia for its outstanding contribution to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and through its Permanent Mission in London and its exemplary leadership in global shipping.

On the issues of increasing Liberians enrolment at WMU and building a partnership with the University of Liberia and LMTI to setup a Maritime program at these institutions, the esteemed Professor stated that all of those are possible and WMU is willing and ready to assist Liberia in the best way possible, to strengthen its maritime workforce expertise.

“Beyond the valuable verbal exchanges, we agreed that an official communique indicating Liberia’s desire for such crucial partnership after which dates will be arranged for detailed discussions to be held among leaders aimed at potentially concretizing and formalizing a solid capacity-building partnership agreement between Liberia through LiMA and the WMU.” Ambassador Kpadeh noted.

“At the close of our one-hour meeting, Mr. President graciously presented me a bag full of fine WMU souvenirs and called me “a Friend of the WMU”. I received his gift with a heart full of appreciation and humility, and in return, I humbly extended a hand of friendship and assured him that I shall remain a dependable friend of the WMU.” Kpadeh mentioned.

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